Der German Burners e.V. unterstützte in 2021 das Kunstprojekt „Tree of Solitude“ von Michael Glögl mit 199,75€. Zu sehen war das Projekt auf den Burns „Kiez Burn“ und „Northern Lights“.
Original-Beschreibung des Projekts in Englisch:
The Tree of Solitude is a ~3m high wood and light installation that acts as a nightly community gathering spot.
A 3m high wooden „trunk“ supports an abstract wooden „crown“ of the tree made from a wood beam lattice structure. Suspended from the tree hang 24 led „old edison lamp“ style light bulbs that are on a rotating dimmer, slowly fading on and off in a random rotation.
Around the tree trunk a hexagonal bench structure provides sitting space for ~15 people to gather under the soft lights of the „tree fruits“, hang out, chat and enjoy a quiet moment away from everything.